5 Tips To Grow Your Instagram Account In 2022.

Hello friends in today’s blog post I am sharing with you all five tips that I have used to grow my Instagram account in 2022. So if your interested in learning what these tips are then just keep on reading.

Instagram Reels

I love and absolutely love reels. Reels is the fastest and easy way to grow your Instagram account organically. When I am consistent with posting my reels I see a lot of growth in my reach which allows new people to see my account. The higher the reach of your reels the more followers that you will gain. Within the last month I have gained 100 new followers all from consistently posting my reels. Plus Instagram is prioritizing reels so if your not creating reels in 2022 and beyond your going to have a harder time growing your account.

Instagram Stories

Showing up in Instagram stories is a must. Stories are a great way for you to connect with your followers that you already have. But it’s also another way to gain new eyes to your account which can lead to new followers. I have seen a lot of growth in my engagement and gaining followers when I show up consistently in my stories. Let’s be honest some people only watch stories on Instagram and not necessarily watch your posts to your feed. I would recommend posting to your stories everyday or every other day. Stories are easy to create because they don’t have to be perfect and the options are endless. Your can share behind the scenes, inspirational, just talk and share with your audience, and etc. So you should defiantly be posting to your stories if you want to see organic growth to your account.

Instagram Engagement

Instagram engagement is so important and will help in building an engaged community. When people engage with you it’s important to engage back. When you receive comments you should respond back to each and every comment. This is a rule that I live by when I get a comment I make sure that I always respond back. Even if I can’t always respond back right then I make a mental note and I will always respond back when I can. You should also leave comments on other creators content within your niche. Which is also another great way to get new eyes to your account. So make sure that you are engaging in the Instagram community and you will defiantly see organic growth to your account.


Having a niche are as I like to say categories that your going to talk about on your page is very important. On my Instagram account I talk about lifestyle, fashion, beauty, candles & body care. So you defiantly need to have at least four to five categories that are similar that you only talk about on your page. My advice for picking a niche or categories is to pick topics that your passionate about and that you will never get tired of talking about those things. After you figure out what your niche is or categories then you need to put those in your bio on your page so that when people land on your page they know who you are and what your going to talk about. You only have one time to make a good first impression so that you have a greater chance on people wanting to follow you.

Consistency & Patience

When it comes to growing organically on Instagram you have to post consistently and show up. By no means do you have to post everyday because I defiantly don’t post everyday. My posting days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for feed posts. Then I post in my stories everyday or every other day. So what is important is that you find a posting schedule that works for you and run with it. Another thing is to have patience because growth does not happen overnight. Especially if you want to grow organically and engaged community. Things truly take time. So set realistic goals and don’t be so hard on yourself. Success is not a straight line to the top and has ups and downs. Which happens to all content creators and influencers so it’s normal.


I hope you have enjoyed reading about these tips to help grow your Instagram in 2022. I defiantly use these tips and they have worked for me. If you do happen to use my tips and you see growth defiantly let me know down below in the comments section. Happy reading and I will see you guys in my next post.


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