Bath And Body Work Ghoul Friend Halloween Candle Review 2023.

Hey friends Halloween is right around the corner and will be here before we know it. I love candles and I love to light Halloween candles for the whole month of October. So today I am sharing a review on the candle Ghoul Friend from Bath and Body Works. So let’s jump into the review.

  1. Ghoul Friend.

Ghoul Friend from Bath and Body Works is one of my favorite Halloween candles. I have had this candle for about three years now and I always light it on Halloween. The fragrance notes are:

  1. Dark Strawberries.

  2. Ghostly Peony.

  3. Spine Chilling Citrus.

2. What It Smells Like.

Ghoul Friend is very fruity with a hint of floral candle. Just imagine a pretty flower that smells fruity with hints of citrus lol. Ghoul Friend just smells pretty and fruity. This candle smells good ya’ll.

3. The Throw.

The throw for Ghoul Friend is a 7 out of 10. You will defiantly smell this candle but it is not overpowering which some may not enjoy. But for me, I wish it was just a tad bit stronger because your girl loves a strong overpowering candle lol.


So friends I really love this candle and I defiantly recommend it if you enjoy fruity, floral, with a hint of citrus type candles. Bath and Body Works has so many new Halloween candles that are in stores and online that I defiantly want to get lol. I would love to know down below in the comments do you enjoy burning candles on Halloween. Thanks for reading and I will see you all in my next blog post.


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