Bath And Body Works Semi Annual Sale and 3 Tips To Help You Shop.

Hey friends I am super excited that Bath and Body Works is having its famous semi-annual sale coming up in June. For those of you that might not know but every year Bath and Body Works has a big sale where you can get certain body care and candles for up to 75 percent off. The sale is held twice in the year June and at the end of December. Now that we have gotten that out of the way. Anybody that knows me knows that I absolutely love Bath and Body Works. This SAS (semi-annual sale) that is coming is even more special to me because I haven’t shopped this sale because I have such a huge collection that I wanted to get through a lot of my products before buying new ones lol. So in today’s post, I will be sharing 3 tips to help you shop the semi-annual sale.

Make A List Of Products That You Need.

Before you head out to the store or if you are shopping the sale online make sure that you think about what items you may be low on and want to buy during the sale. So what I mean by this is you may realize that you are low on fragrance mists and body creams. That way having a list of what you need will lessen the chances of you just buying products that you don’t need. From experience when I make a list it helps save me money because even though you are already saving a lot of money from the sale I still don’t want to be a hoarder buying things that I don’t need lol. Trust me past SAS I have come out spending way more money than I intended to spend because I didn’t have a list and a game plan. So I don’t want that to happen to you.

Have A Budget For What You Want To Spend.

This is especially important because it is easy to overspend. Let’s be real especially since these products can range from 50 to 75 percent off making them the cheapest all year it’s easy to get carried away without having a budget in mind. I had to learn this the hard way when I ended up spending 150 dollars more than what I wanted to spend because I went crazy living in the moment just buying throughout the sale because I didn’t have a budget. I defiantly will have a budget this go around for the June SAS lol.

Also if you have coupons from the app or the mailer don’t forget to use them. Some examples could be 20 percent off your entire purchase. Coupons like these are good because you're saving even more money and who doesn’t like to save money lol. Meaning if the items that you buy are already marked down 75 percent then you add 20 percent on top of that you're only going to be paying 2 to 3 dollars for products that are normally priced 15 to 17 dollars.

Go On Different Days.

The summer semi-annual sale starts on June 13th to July 13th, 2022. So the best way to shop for the sale is to make sure that you go on different days throughout the sale. On the first day they mostly price the products at 50 percent off, but slowly start marking items to 75 percent off toward the end of the sale. Meaning that the 50 percent items will go to 75 percent off. So that is why I always check back on different days of the sale to see what new items have made it to the 75 percent off tables. It is also a good idea to check other Bath and Body Works in your area to see what items they may have for 75 percent off. All Bath and Body Works don’t always carry the same items.


So I hope that these 3 tips help you to have a good shopping experience, especially if you have never shopped at a semi-annual sale. I would love to know in the comments below if you plan on shopping for the summer SAS because I know I will defiantly be shopping lol. Also, remember to have fun and happy shopping.


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Hey Ya’ll.