How To Find Your Purpose And Passion For Women In Their 40’s.

Hey, friends have you ever wanted to know what you were put on this earth by God to accomplish? In my 40s that urge to know my life’s purpose was something that I wanted to discover and find. I have since found my purpose in my life so I thought I would share some tips to help other women in their 40s find their life’s purpose.

  1. Prayer & God.

Prayer and having a relationship with God are very important in finding your life’s purpose. When I started asking God to show me my life’s purpose and trusting in the power of prayer helped to guide me on my journey to finding my purpose. God will always give you signs and confirmation that will lead you to your purpose. So trust in God and pray often you will eventually discover your purpose.

2. Happiness.

What activities do you do that make you happy? I will use myself as an example I love blogging, building my personal brand on social media, also inspiring and helping other women. I also love candles, body care, fashion, beauty, and so much more. Since I’m so passionate about those things I love to share them on my social media platforms. So do what you love and what makes you happy. That is where you will find your life’s purpose and passion.

3. Positive Mindset.

Having a positive mindset when trying to discover your purpose and passion is very important. Take the law of attraction for example when you think and speak positive thoughts you attract positive things to you. On the other hand, when you think and speak negative things you in return will attract negative experiences to you. So keep a positive mindset that you will eventually find your purpose and passion for what you should be doing in your life.

4. Positive Relationships.

Surrounding yourself with people that support, love, and encourage you to be the best version of yourself is so important in finding your purpose and passion. Positive relationships can be with friends, a significant other, family, and more. Hanging around toxic people will eventually bring you down as a person especially if you are a happy positive person. Toxic relationships are also very draining and have no benefit in helping you to become a better person. Choose wisely who you allow to be in your life and always choose people with good vibes only.

5. Self-Care.

Self-care is so important to finding your purpose and your passion. Remember to always do things for yourself that make you feel good. It can be simple things to include:

  • Taking a bath.

  • Going to a spa.

  • Going to get a message.

  • Getting your hair done.

  • Getting your nails done.

  • And so much more.

    Self-care is also good for keeping your mental health together and having good mental health is important in finding your purpose and passion. Remember it is okay to put yourself first when you need some self-care.

6. Patience.

When your on your journey to finding your purpose and passion it is important to have patience with yourself. It’s important not to compare yourself to other people, because comparison is the the thief of joy. Some people may find the purpose and passion rather quickly and for others it may take some time. Also some people never discover their purpose are passion. So trust the journey and remember if you don’t get discouraged and give up you will eventually will discover your purpose and passion.


So friends these are my six tips for finding your purpose and passion. Finding your purpose and passion is the best feeling in the world. Let me know down below in the comments if I have inspired you to find your purpose and passion. Thanks for reading friends I really do appreciate ya’ll so much and I will see you in my next blog post.


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