How To Start A Lifestyle YouTube Channel.
Hey friends, I will be sharing how to start a lifestyle YouTube channel in this blog post. I absolutely love having a YouTube channel. Plus being a YouTuber is such a fun creative way to build a community and show your authenticity through your personality.
Create A Gmail Account.
The first thing you must do if you want to start a YouTube channel is to create a Gmail account. You want to create an email and password that you can remember because this is what you will use to log in to your channel. You also need to remember this information in order to create your channel. I hope this is making sense but if you are still confused all you have to do is go on YouTube and there are plenty of videos that will walk you step by step through the process which is very easy to set up.
2. Pick Out A Channel Name.
Now it’s time to pick a name for your channel and since your channel is going to be a lifestyle channel many people choose to use their name. That is what I did I just went with my first and middle name Khalilah Yasmeen. You can also use a catchy name if you would like. Just be mindful to pick a name that you will want to use for the long haul without getting tired of seeing the name.
3. Create A Channel Banner.
The next step is to create your YouTube channel banner. The channel banner is important to your channel because it gives a quick look into what your channel is about. On my channel banner, I have lifestyle, fashion, and beauty because that is the type of videos that I make. You can also put on your channel how many videos you're going to upload a week, for example, you can say I upload one new video weekly. You also definitely want to link your other social media links just in case your audience wants to follow you on other platforms. I will include an example so that you can see what I am talking about.
This is just an example template that I got from Canva but with all templates, you need to customize to your information and brand.
4. Start creating videos.
The fun part is figuring out what videos you want to create. I would suggest thinking about what you are passionate about. Also, you want to create videos that help your audience in some way. In other words, create videos that are value-packed. Your videos should be either entertaining, educational, inspirational, how to do something, and more. People come to YouTube to learn how to do something, to get inspiration, and to be entertained. So you want to make sure that your videos are filling one of those purposes and that is how you will grow your channel.
5. Batch Film Your Content.
Consistency is the name of the game on YouTube. This is where batch filming your content will help you to stay consistent with uploading your videos. I know that for me I work Monday to Friday and the weekends I am off. So at the end of the month on a Saturday I will already have the videos that I am going to film written down in my notebook. I know I upload one new video a week so that means I need to film four videos. Filming four videos in one day will give me a month's worth of videos filmed. Then all I have to do is edit one video at a time for the week that I plan on uploading that video.
6. Upload Your First Video.
You have filmed and edited your first video the next step is to upload it to your YouTube channel. Just upload the video to your channel and I am going to be honest with your first video is not going to be that great. Post the video anyway. Your first video is not going to get a lot of views but post the video anyway. You will need to post a lot of videos to your channel before you will start to see results. YouTube is a long-haul platform and it will take time, consistency, and hard work in order to see results. Just remember the more practice you have in creating videos and editing the better that you will become.
7. Be Authentic.
Be your authentic self I can not stress this enough you need to be yourself. You want people who find your channel to stick around and fall in love with the real you. I am always myself in every video that I upload. I am very introverted, laid back, super chill vibes. Like I always say your vibe will attract your tribe.
8. Have Patience & Don’t Quit.
YouTube is such a hard platform to grow a following on but keep going. There are going to be plenty of times when you are going to want to give up because you are not seeing the results that you want. Trust me I have had my share of ups and downs. Plus I love creating YouTube videos lol. I just tell myself that I have to have patience and never give up because that is the only way that I will achieve my goal of having a successful channel. Remember YouTube is a marathon and not a sprint.
Bonus Tips.
Just Start.
If you have ever been thinking of starting a YouTube channel, this is the push you need to start. You will figure things out as you go. When I started my YouTube channel five years ago I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t let that stop me and I watched YouTube videos to learn everything that I could to make my channel better. I am still learning things about YouTube even though I have had my channel for five years. So if I can do it you can do it as well.
2. You Can Start With Your Phone.
I hear a lot of people put off starting their YouTube channel because they think they have to have expensive fancy cameras. I am here to tell you that you don’t need that to start a YouTube channel you can use your phone. When I started my channel in 2018 I used my Galaxy S9 Plus to record all my videos to upload on my channel. Then in 2021, I was gifted with the Canon M50 as my birthday gift from my mom and brother. You can always invest in a better camera later on down the road. Also, give yourself a chance to see if you even enjoy making YouTube videos. That is why it’s perfect to start off using your phone. Say you don’t like making YouTube videos and you went out and purchased a fancy expensive camera that you are never going to use.
So friends I hope this inspired you to create your own YouTube channel. Starting my YouTube channel has been the most fun and rewarding experience. Knowing that I am connecting with people all over the world and building my community. Let me know in the comments if you are planning to start a YouTube channel. Thanks for reading and I will see you in my next blog post.