The 5 Best Walmart Candles For Spring 2023.
Hey friends, spring is officially here and I absolutely love to burn candles all year round, especially in the springtime. Today I am sharing my six favorite candles to burn in spring. Even better, these candles come from Walmart, which means they are very affordable. Sis you know we love a good affordable candle lol.
Pineapple Lily 3 Wick Candle From Walmart.
Pineapple Lily.
Pineapple Lily from of course Walmart smells so good and is perfect to burn during the spring season. The fragrance notes are pineapple, citrus, and lily. This candle to me is all pineapple which is the main fragrance note that I smell and I am not mad about it because I love all things pineapple. Every time I light this candle it just puts me in the best mood. It just makes me think of being at the beach on a beautiful spring day and enjoying a nice pineapple tropical drink lol. I also love the simple packaging and the price of this candle is very affordable costing only 6.97. The throw on this candle is a solid 8 out of 10 so you will defiantly smell it. I highly recommend this candle if you enjoy pineapple scents and hopefully, you can find it at your local Walmart.
Great Value Coastal Coconut Limited Edition 3 Wick Candle From Walmart.
Coastal Coconut.
Coastal Coconut by the brand Great Value from Walmart is so good. The fragrance notes are not listed but I defiantly can tell that this candle does have notes of pineapple and coconut. I love candles that have pineapple and coconut, especially in the spring. This candle just gives off spring vibes and makes me feel like I am at the beach which I love. Again I love how simple the packaging is and the price is very affordable only costing 3.97. The throw on this candle is a solid 8 out of 10 so you defiantly will smell it. I highly recommend Coastal Coconut if you enjoy pineapple and coconut scents and hopefully, you can find it at your local Walmart.
Mainstays It’s The Scent For Me 3 Wick Scented Candle From Walmart.
It’s The Scent For Me.
It’s The Scent For Me by the brand Mainstays from duh Walmart lol which smells so good. The fragrance notes are watermelon, sweet cantaloupe, and honey. This is straight up a fruity candle and is perfect as a transitional candle from spring to summer. I love all things fruity in the springtime and this just makes me think of sitting on my porch and eating a nice bowl of sweet fruit while enjoying the beautiful spring weather. The packaging is so pretty to me and the price is very affordable costing 6.97. The throw of this candle is a solid 8 out of 10 so you're defiantly going to smell it sis lol. I highly recommend it if you are into fruity scents during the spring season.
Great Value Island Breeze Limited Edition 3 Wick Candle From Walmart.
Island Breeze.
Island Breeze by the brand Great Value from Walmart smells so good ya’ll. It smells like you are on a tropical island at a resort living your best life without a care in the world. It is a limited-edition candle so you might have a hard time finding it. The throw is an 8 out of 10 so you will smell it, which we love lol. I love that these candles are very affordable costing 3.97 which is amazing for a 3-wick candle. So I highly recommend this candle if you can find it in your local Walmart.
Great Value Blue lava 3 Wick Candle From Walmart.
Blue Lava.
Blue Lava candle from Walmart makes me think of a tropical drink something like a pina colada lol. It smells so good and yummy lol. The throw is an 8 out of 10 so sis you will most defiantly smell it lol. I also am in love with the simple but spring-like packaging and the price is very affordable costing only 3.97. I really love to burn this candle in the spring and it’s also a good candle to transition to the summer. If you can find it in your local Walmart I highly recommend you pick it up and give it a try.
So there you have it friends my 5 favorite Walmart candles to burn in the springtime. I absolutely love buying candles from Walmart because you can get 3 wick candles for as low as 3.97 which simply cannot be beaten. Also, I love the quality of the candles that come from Walmart. In my opinion, Walmart candles are the dupes for Bath and Body Works candles. So the next time you are in your local Walmart I highly suggest that you head to the candle section to see what goodies you can find. I would love to know in the comments below if you buy your candles from Walmart. I thank you friends for reading and I will see you next week for a new blog post.