10 Best Ways To Take Care Of Yourself.

Hey, friends self-care is so important, especially in the crazy times that are happening in the world. In today’s post, I will be sharing the ten best ways to take care of yourself. So if you are interested keep on reading.


The best way to take care of yourself is to get plenty of rest. It's recommended that most people should have at least eight hours of sleep a day. I know from personal experience that when I don't get enough sleep I am just not as productive and feeling my best version of myself. Here are some ways to ensure that you get your eight hours of sleep:

  1. Set a bedtime schedule for example every night I will be in bed at 10:00 pm.

  2. I like to make sure I turn off my tv and put my phone with the ringtone on low so that I don’t get disturbed when I am trying to sleep.

  3. I love taking a shower just before I go to sleep for the night. I seem to sleep better or sleep just like a baby lol.


Healthy Diet.

It's so important to have a healthy diet. I know that when I eat healthily I feel better and more productive. Plus eating healthy gives me the energy I need to work my full-time job and create content as my side hustle. This is still a work in progress for me because I don't always eat healthy. Eating unhealthy greatly affects my day because I feel sluggish and unproductive.

Pamper Yourself.

The most important thing in self-care is to pamper yourself. If you don't take care of yourself no one will do it for you. You can pamper yourself in many ways:

  1. Take the time to do your hair, skincare routine, make-up routine, bubble bath or shower, put on a nice outfit that makes you feel beautiful, etc.

  2. Going to the nail shop to get your nails and feet done, etc.

  3. Shopping I love a little retail therapy lol.

  4. Reading your favorite book.

  5. Netflix and chill lol.


Stay Organized.

I love staying organized especially since I work full time and also create content. Knowing where things are located just makes my life so much easier and I stay more productive as well. So I defiantly recommend staying organized lol.


Set Boundaries.

Setting boundaries was hard for me to implement into my life because I struggled with telling people no. A lot of the time I felt burned out and overwhelmed because I was doing things to make others happy. When I was feeling unhappy on the inside. Now I have learned the importance of setting boundaries and saying NO when I don't want to do something. I am so much happier and more content with life. So let me just tell you this friends, it's okay to set boundaries and to tell people NO when necessary. If other people can't respect your boundaries then they don't deserve to be in your life PERIOD. Plus setting boundaries is so important for your mental health.

Spend Time With People You Love.

Friends, it is so important to spend time with the people you love, which can include family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. I find when I spend time with people I love it just makes my day that more special. I find that I can be the real me and get the motivation to keep doing what I love. My family, friends, and boyfriend inspire me to be the best version of myself and for that, I am forever grateful. I must include that I am an introvert so there is only so much time I want to spend with family and friends before I need to be alone lol.


Set Goals.

Setting goals in life is so important especially when you are trying to accomplish something. For example, I am trying to become a full-time blogger and content creator. So I need to set weekly goals that will help me get further toward my dreams and BIG goal. What I like to do is set weekly goals for my blog so that I can make sure that I am at least consistent with one blog post every week. Just remember to set small goals to help get you one step closer to your BIG goals. Just make sure you're accomplishing your small goals every week.


Keep Your Environment Clean.

I love having a clean apartment it just makes me feel good and I tend to get a lot of work done. Having a clean environment just feels like you can concur the world lol. When my apartment is junkie and chaos everywhere it makes me feel nasty and not very productive. That is why I try my best to clean my apartment every week on Sunday since that is my only day off since your girl is working six days a week lol. Normally when I clean my apartment on Sunday it stays clean for the whole week. So today is Sunday when I am writing this blog post so when I get finished I am defiantly going to clean my apartment for the week, even though I don't have too much to clean lol. Having a clean space just mentally makes you feel good.


Patience is so important in your self-care journey. There will be times when you may not always take care of yourself in the ways that you need to because let's be real, LIFE HAPPENS. Sometimes life will throw you many obstacles and curvy balls. So in these times when life makes it hard for you to self-care don't beat yourself up and have PATIENCE with yourself. Life will get better and you will be able to get back to taking care of yourself in the ways that you need to.


Prayer / Mediate.

There is nothing like the power of prayer and/or mediation. I pray every day in the morning when I wake up. I find that my day is so much nicer and keeps me in positive head space. Some people choose to mediate it's really up to you and what makes you feel good. Prayer is everything to me there are times throughout my day when I need to say a little prayer in my head. Because there will be times when life will throw you obstacles and curvy balls and prayer just help me get through such obstacles.



So there you have it friends ten ways to take care of yourself. I hope this will inspire you all to incorporate these ten ways to self-care. Self-care is so important, especially with everything that is going on in the world. I would love to know down in the comments in what ways you self-care. Thank you all so much for reading and I will see you all in my next blog post.


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