How To Balance Blogging And A Full Time Job.

Hey, friends working full-time and finding the time to dedicate to your blog can be a difficult task to juggle. I currently work full-time and blogging is my side hustle. Finding the balance to do both can be a difficult task. I have implemented some tips that have helped me balance working full-time and blogging on the side. Let's just jump into these tips.

Set A Schedule.

Setting a schedule is very important to stay consistent with your blog. My blogging schedule is one new blog post up every Wednesday. Having a blogging schedule makes me responsible for setting the necessary goals for the week to make sure that I meet my goals. Having a schedule keeps you on track with everything for the week. You don't want to become overwhelmed with work, blogging, and life.


Make Your Blog A Priority.

Working full-time and blogging will require you to make your blog a priority. For example, I always have to wake up a couple of hours early before I need to get dressed for work, so I can work on my blog and stay on track with my goals for the week. On the weekends I work on my blog doing the necessary tasks to ensure that I have a new blog post every Wednesday. I also work on my blog during lunch, working on simple tasks that I know can be accomplished. To have a successful blog, these are some of the sacrifices needed when you have a full-time job.


Batch Your Content.

Batching your content is how you stay ahead of the game when you have a full-time job. For example, pick a day where you shoot all the pictures for your blog posts. I also like to have bullet points written out for all the blog posts which will help with staying on track and knowing what to write for each new post. Batching content will make your life much easier which is the name of the game when it comes to being a blogger and working your full-time job.



Blogging and working full-time are hard to maintain. Sometimes life happens sickness, other obligations, and the list can go on where you simply cannot post a new blog post for the week. This is when it is important to have PATIENCE with yourself and to know that it's not the end of the world. Just pick yourself up and get back on track for the following week.



So that is how I balance working full time and blogging as my side hustle. You just have to remember having a successful blog takes time. I hope that my tips help you as they have helped me. Let me know down below if you are a blogger and work full time and how you balance it all. Thanks so much for reading and I will see you all in my next post.


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