7 Best Places To Buy Affordable Candles Under 15 Dollars.

Hey Friends I wanted to share seven of the best places to buy affordable candles for under 15 dollars. Especially since everything has gotten to be so expensive most people are looking to save money in any way they can. If you are interested in learning the seven best places to buy affordable candles for under 15 dollars, just keep reading.



When it comes to buying candles under 15 dollars Ross is a great place to look. They offer a variety of different candle scents and brands. The amazing thing is that you never know what you're going to find until you get to the candle section and look around. They have single, two, and three-wick candles. The price range of these candles ranges from 3.99 to like 9.99. So next time you are in Ross make sure to head to the candle section and see what you can find. I highly recommend the candles from Ross and I defiantly have purchased my fair share of candles from Ross.



Aldi’s is another great place to buy affordable candles under 15 dollars. The have a variety of candles to choose from. The good thing is that every Wed they put out new and different candles. I haven’t been in a while because I have been working lol but trust me some of my best candles have come from Aldi’s. The price range of their candles are 3.99 to 7.99. So I highly recommend going to Aldi’s if your looking for affordable candles that smell amazing.



Walmart is also that girl when it comes to buying affordable candles under 15 dollars. A lot of my candles come from Walmart and I absolutely LOVE THEM. They have all different price ranges for candles but I usually only buy the candles that cost 4.99 to like 5.99 lol. So if you have not brought any candles from Walmart you defiantly need to because I love them.



Target is such a great place to buy candles and you can defiantly buy amazing affordable candles for under 15 dollars. They have such a great variety at different price ranges ranging from 7.99 to like 12.99. I have brought a few candles from Target and I actually really love them. So I defiantly recommend buying your affordable candles from Target.


TJ. Maxx & Marshall’s.

TJ. Maxx and it’s sister store Marshall’s are the best places to find affordable candles. They have such a variety of good candles that anybody could love. A lot of my candles have come from TJ. Maxx and Marshall’s. I defiantly highly recommend these stores for affordable candles.



Burlington is another great option for buying affordable candles. A few of my candles have come from Burlington and I absolutely love them. Burlington has such a good variety of candles to choose from. So I defiantly suggest checking out Burlington if you are looking for affordable candles.


Bath And Body Works.

Bath and Body Works is another great place to buy candles. You just have to catch a good sale and have some coupons then you are good to go. Bath and Body Works has the best selection of candles and a variety of packaging to meet your style lol. Another good time to stock up on your candles at Bath and Body Works is on CANDLE DAY when all their candles are 6 dollars and some change.



So there you have it my loves the seven best places to buy affordable candles. Let me know down in the comments section what are some of your favorite places to purchase affordable candles. Thanks for reading and I will see you all in my next blog post.


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