Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
Hello friends in this blog post I am sharing what a typical day in the life of a blogger looks like. I want to share my realistic day with you all to inspire anyone who wants to become a blogger. So if you are interested in learning more keep on reading.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
Waking Up And Getting My Day Started.
I love waking up early every morning to write my new blog post for the week. I post one new blog post a week. So I work a full-time job so I do a little bit of working on my post every day before I go to work. My job hours are from 3 pm to 11:30 pm. So I can accomplish a lot for my blog before I go to work. I normally wake up at around 10 sometimes 10:30 and I pour myself some water and sit on my couch to manifest including saying positive affirmations to myself. I manifest for about 15 to 20 minutes which I love doing. Then it’s time to get on my laptop.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
2. Sitting At My LapTop.
Now the fun part begins when I sit at my laptop, log into the Squarespace backend of my blog, and create my new blog post. I have already done my keyword research in Keysearch so I know what I am going to title my blog post and what my blog post is going to be about. I spend about an hour to an hour and a half writing the different sections of my post and adding pictures to break up the text making my post visually appealing. After my time is done then it’s time for me to get dressed for work. So I will do more work on my blog post tomorrow.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
3. Do The Same Routine The Next Day.
So the next day I repeat the same routine because consistency is everything if you want to be great and successful it first starts with consistency. So I do this all week until Saturday when I do my final touches and publish my new post for the world to read. So in the next step, I will tell you what my Saturday entails.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
Day In The Life Of A Blogger.
4. Saturday Routine.
On Saturdays, I am not going to lie I sleep in but when I wake up I head to sit in front of my laptop. I log in to the backend of my Squarespace and look at my saved blog post. Now it’s time to add my final touches so that I can publish my post. So I read through my entire post and make sure the grammar part is correct like spelling and punctuation. Then I add all my share buttons reread through my post and do some other backend stuff. Once I am satisfied with everything now it’s time to hit publish and now it’s time to start promoting my new post across all my social media platforms.
So friends this is how my day and week goes as a blogger. I hope you found inspiration in this post especially if you want to become a blogger. Thanks for reading and I will see you in my next blog post.