How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
Hey friends the new year is just around the corner and I know so many people love to create vision boards this time of year. In this blog post, I am sharing how to make a vision board for manifestation. If you want to learn more then just keep on reading.
How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
Make Sure You Have Free Time.
Before you even get started you need to make sure that you pick a day where you have plenty of free time and are not busy. I know that whenever I make my vision board it takes me just about all day because I like to take my time, be intentional, and be creative. So I would recommend that you only get started when you have no other obligations to do.
How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
2. Dream Big.
The second step in creating your vision board for manifestation is to DREAM BIG. This is where you should let your imagination run wild and get detailed. What does your dream life look like? Take time with this step and get detailed and specific. I like to be intentional in this step and I write down what my dream life looks like. So I recommend you write down what your dream life looks like because it will help you in step three.
How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
3. Find Pictures.
In this third step, find the pictures and quotes that represent what dream life looks like that you wrote down in step two. You can find pictures and quotes in magazines, off the internet, and more. Have fun and get creative.
How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
4. Make Sure You Have All Your Supplies.
The fourth step in creating your vision board for manifestation is to make sure that you have all of your supplies. I get all of my supplies from Dollar Tree. I like to use a white poster board, markers, colored pens, colored pencils, stickers, glue sticks, and whatever else I see that catches my eye lol. I know some people like to make digital vision boards but I am old school and do mine the old-fashioned way lol.
How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
5. Putting It All Together.
Now friends we are at the fun part which is putting your vision board together. This is where you can get creative. There is no right or wrong way to put it together. Just make sure to be intentional, creative, and have fun.
How To Make A Vision Board For Manifestation.
6. Positive Mindset.
The last step friends and the most important is to make sure that you have a positive mindset. You only want to make your vision board when you are feeling happy, grateful, and feeling good. That is how you will manifest and attract the dream life that you have on your vision board. Remember to be intentional when creating your vision boards and to focus on attracting the good things into your lives.
My Final Thoughts.
So friends this is how I would recommend for you to create your vision board for manifestation. I hope this post inspired you to want to make your vision board especially since we are going into the new year. I would love to know in the comments if you plan on creating your vision board. Thanks for reading and I will see you all in my next blog post. Happy New Year!